Mental Health

The WACSEP Mental Health Department works in collaboration with district staff to comlete in depth social emotional assessments to help determine educationally related mental health needs. Within the department, support is provided through the internship program where both Social Psychology interns and Social Work inters work under the direction of the Licensed Clinical Social Workers and a Credentialed School Psychologist to provide individual counseling, DIS counseling, intervention group counseling support, consultation, push-in support, in-home counseling, parent education and counseling, case management linkage and support, and when needed crisis intervention. Within the SELPA, the team is committed to working alongside staff to help build and sutain support. In addition to supporting all 7 Districts, we also collaborate with WACSEP specialized programs such as; private schools, pre-school, infant, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and programs that specialize in working with students idetified as having emotional disturbances. Interns are also provided with ongoing professional development.

All services and supports provided by the WACSEP Mental Health Department are ment to address educationally related mental health needs that are manifesting within the school setting and having an educational impact





Maria Huerta, MS, LEP, PPSC
Mental Health Liaison
Ext. 8234


 Licensed Clinical Social Worker



Taffy Salcedo, LCSW, PPSC
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Ext. 8243


Elizabeth Moreno, LCSW, PPSC
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Ext. 8235           


 Evangelina Ulloa
 Ext. 8257





Clik here for the department website